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姓    名: 倪蕾 性    别:
学科类别: 天文学 单位代码: 114553
学    历: 博士 职    称: 研究员
电    话: 0871-63920142 传    真:
职    务:
电子邮件: leini@ynao.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市官渡区羊方旺396号
简    历:


2001.09-2005.07:华中师范大学物理学院基地班,理论物理, 大学本科。

2005.09-2010.07:北京师范大学天文系,        天体物理, 直博,博士研究生。



2005.07 华中师范大学理学学士

2010.07 北京师范大学天体物理博士



2010.07-2015.05: 云南天文台太阳物理理论研究组 助理研究员

2015.06-2020.08: 云南天文台太阳物理理论研究组 副研究员

2020.08-至今      云南天文台太阳物理理论研究组 研究员。



2007.9-2009.9:University of New Hampshire, Space Science Center, Plasma Theory group,空间等离子体物理,国家公派联合培养博士研究生。

2014.09-2014.12:德国波兹坦大学 访问学者

2016.08-2016.09:美国哈佛史密松天体物理研究中心 访问学者。


通过理论和数值模拟相结合的方法,探索磁流体力学范围内磁重联机制的基础理论,太阳大气中与磁重联、不稳定性(K-H, R-T, Kink)和波有关的活动和爆发现象。



2. 美国天文学会和英国物理学会联合授予的2015-2017年的高引作者奖(中国区)。

3. 云南省首批“高层次人才培养支持计划”青年拔尖人才。

4. 中国科学院《青年创新促进会》会员,2017年


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,11973083, 多流体模型下太阳紫外暴的高精度数值模拟研究,2020.01-2023.12,63万,在研,主持。

2.云南省应用基础研究计划面上项目,2018FB009, 磁流浮现模型下日冕喷流的数值模拟研究, 2018.06-2021.05, 10万,在研,主持。

3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,11573064,二流体模型下的色球类埃勒曼炸弹和微耀斑的数值实验, 2016.01-2019.12, 87万, 已结题,主持。


5.国家自然科学基金重点项目,11333007,太阳活动的起源、动力学演化、多波段电磁和粒子辐射及其日地物理效应,2014.01-2018.12, 330万,已结题,参加。


[1] Lei Ni, Yajie Chen, Peter Hardi, Hui Tian, Jun Lin, A magnetic reconnection model for hot explosions in the cool atmosphere of the Sun, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 646, A88 (2021).

[2] Lei Ni, Hantao Ji, Nicholas A. Murphy, Jonathan Jara-Almonte, Magnetic reconnection in partially ionized plasmas, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume 476, Issue 2236, 41pp. (2020).

[3] Q.M. Zhang, L. Ni, Subarcsecond Blobs in Flare-related Coronal Jets, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 870, Issue 2, 9 pp. (2019)

[4] Lei Ni and Vyacheslav S. Lukin, Onset of Secondary Instabilities and Plasma Heating during Magnetic Reconnection in Strongly Magnetized Regions of the Low Solar Atmosphere, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 868, Issue 2, 10 pp. (2018)

[5] Lei Ni, Vyacheslav S. Lukin, Nicholas A. Murphy, Jun Lin, Magnetic reconnection in the low solar chromosphere with a more realistic radiative cooling model, Physics of Plasmas, Volume 25, Issue 4, 042903(2018).

[6] Lei Ni, Vyacheslav S. Lukin, Nicholas A. Murphy, Jun Lin, Magnetic Reconnection in Strongly Magnetized Regions of the Low Solar Chromosphere, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 852, Issue 2, 11 pp. (2018).

[7] Lei Ni, Qing-Min Zhang, Nicholas A. Murphy and Jun Lin, Blob formation and ejection in coronal jets due to the plasmoid and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, The Astrophysical Journal , Volume 841, Issue 1, 16 pp.(2017).

[8] Tian-Le Zhao, Lei Ni, Jun Lin and Udo Ziegler, Numerical studies of the Kelvin-Hemholtz instability in a coronal jet, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 18, Issue 4, article id. 045 (2018).

[9] Lei Ni, Jun Lin, Ilia I. Roussev and Brigitte Schmieder, Heating Mechanisms in the Low Solar Atmosphere through Magnetic Reconnection in Current Sheets, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 832, Issue 2, 11 pp.(2016).

[10] Lei Ni, Jun Lin, Zhixing Mei and Yan Li, Numerical experiments on the detailed energy conversion and spectrum studies in a corona current sheet, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 812, Issue 2, 13 pp.(2015).

[11] Lei Ni, Bernhard Kliem, Jun Lin and Ning Wu, Fast Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Chromosphere Mediated by the Plasmoid Instability, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 799, Issue 1, 16 pp. (2015).

[12] Lei Ni, Jun Lin, and Nicholas A. Murphy, Effects of the non-uniform initial environment and the guide field on the plasmoid instability, Physics of Plasmas, Volume 20, Issue 6, 061206, 8 pp. (2013).

[13] Lei Ni, Ilia Roussev, Jun Lin and Udo Ziegler, Impact of Temperature Dependent Resistivity and Thermal Conduction on Plasmoid Instabilities in Current Sheets in Solar Corona, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 758, Issue 1, 11 pp.(2012).

[14] Lei Ni, Udo Ziegler, Yi-Min Huang, Jun Lin and Zhixing Mei, Effects of Plasma β on the Plasmoid Instability, Physics of Plasmas, Volume 19, Issue 7, 072902, 10 pp. (2012).

[15] Lei Ni, Kai Germaschewski , Yi-Min Huang, Brian P. Sullivan , Hongang Yang and Amittava Bhattacharjee , Linear Plasmoid Instability of Thin current Sheetts with Shear Flow, Physics of Plasmas, Volume 17, Issue 5, 052109, 7 pp. (2010).

[16] Lei Ni, Zhiliang Yang, Hongbin Wang, Fast Magnetic Reconnection withCowling’s Conductivity, Astrophysics and Space Science , 139-144, 2007.

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