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Speaker: Li Di
Affiliation: National Astronomical Observatories
Datetime: PM2:30-3:30,June6, 2018
Venue: Room 427,Building 1#
Abstract: In astronomy, the classical representation of the sky is of images. The phases of EM wave intrinsically kept by radio data make feasible a spectrum for every pixel of a sky image.The much improved sensitivity and processing power of modern radio telescopes provide a multi-dimensional view of the sky, which enables discoveries and shed light upon the nature of astronomical phenomena. The proposed Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey (CRAFTS, Li et al. 2018, arxiv:1802.03709) aspires to survey pulsars, galaxies, HI ISM, and FRBs, simultaneously, with the best depth in all categories. Such a survey mode, though long desired, has never been realized by a major observatory. I will discuss the challenges and potential of CRAFTS.

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